
Sweet UCM,

The flowers blossom, the sun returns and The Bell finally rings again. In the dawn of Spring, anxiously waiting for summer to arrive, we have decided to revolt, to rebel. From reflections on counter-culture to revolutionary student initiatives, and from critical film reviews to delightful stories and poetry, The Bell’s issue #12 Spring Edition, attempts to bring discussion around one of our favourite topics: Revolution.

Many have talked about it; some attempting to understand it, others to undermine it. Some have called it ‘wishful thinking’, others have deemed it ‘necessary action’. Nonetheless, what they all have in common is the undeniable importance that revolutions have in shaping the way we perceive the world and our actions. The desire for radical changes, for swift new beginnings and rebuilding of social structures and relationships determines the way we talk about politics, education, technology, and even food. Feelings of contempt, the “everything is fine” assertions, affect our lives in similar ways: maybe if we place our efforts on continuity and stability we will be able to live happier, safer and predictable lives. What we can conclude is that beyond our desire to revolt, or our inclination to continue on the same path, we must allow for critical discussions, bringing in a plurality of opinions and beliefs to the table. This is the message that The Bell, and the cover theme of this issue, would like to transmit to our readers and authors: before revolting, let’s talk about it.

Last but not even close to least, I would like to express my gratitude towards our contributors, illustrators and writers alike, as well as our editorial board. It is because of you that The Bell exists and has been able to maintain itself as the sole most important creative and journalistic platform for and by UCM students and staff. A big thank you goes also to Tom Quist, our legendary Student Affairs Officer and friend, who will no longer be part of the UCM family come August. Surely in name of the UCM community, The Bell thanks you and wishes you the best for your personal and academic future.

To all our readers, we wish you a happy reading, a sunny Spring, and an insightful and knowledge-filled end of the academic year.


May the force be with you,


Sergio Calderón-Harker || Chairman of the Board 2016-17

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